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Short courses
On your short course, you will explore, live and share experiences with other participants. You will leave with new friends, new skills, and a renewed belief that you can change the world for the better.
Participant experiences: exploring Agribusiness
Entrepreneurship in Ankara
In April, 46 Nigerian participants went through a successful and inspiring ten day agribusiness training course in Ankara.
Quantum leaps in your
career advancement
Our counselors at Turkey Trainings
offer personal advice on
university admission for Turkey.
+90 850 3052 770
Aquaculture Training

Fishing to ensure the food security of fisheries-dependent communities and aquaculture to prevent the collapse of stocks while providing a sustainable supply accompanied by the processing of fish products: come and register for the high-quality and intensive content training courses to know the details of your new career and income opportunities in fisheries, aquaculture, and fish processing. +908503052770

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