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Helicicultural Entrepreneurship
There is a difference between farm management and entrepreneurship. Farm management is about better planning, implementation, control and managing risk. Entrepreneurship is about looking forward, identifying opportunities, creating a vision of how the business will grow, innovating and taking risks. These qualities enable entrepreneurs to seek-out business opportunities, conceptualize and initiate new business ideas and guide their business to accomplish the goals set.
TURKEY TRAININGS Heliciculture Entrepreneurship Certificate Program is inspired by the International Confederation of Agriculture and Food (TARIMKON) experience with the International Farmer Continuing Education Center (CISEM), and aims at contributing to participant’s empowerment by providing a better understanding of the concept and practice of entrepreneurship, taking into consideration the adaptability of
methods and technologies.
Heliciculture Entrepreneurship Training Program
The definition of heliciculture, known also as snail farming, is raising snails for human use. It is recognized as a sub-category of agriculture – and is widely recognized as a very profitable and low-risk form of agriculture. Snails can either be used in gastronomy, cosmetics or as food for reptiles. Escargot shells can be sold for decoration purposes and more recently snail eggs are being produced to enjoy as a type of caviar.
Sometimes you may hear the term heliculture, which basically means the same as heliciculture – both terms refer to snail farming.
Eating snails dates all the way back to prehistoric times and in Roman times eating snails was perceived as a privilege reserved for the elite.
Training Contents
1. Edible Snail Species
2. Morphological Properties of Snail
•Shell Structure of Snails
•Digestive System
•Nervous System and Sense Organs
•Circulatory System
•Excretory System
•Respiratory System
•Breeding System
3. Feeding of Snails
4. Environmental Requirements of Snails
•How should the cultural production environment be?
5. Snail Breeding
•History of Snail Breeding
•Mating and Egg Formation
•Snail Breeding Techniques
•Risk Factors in Snail Breeding
6. Field Trip and On-Site Investigation
•Quality of Snails
•Nutritional Value of Snail Meat
•Protection of snails
•Marketing of snails
This intensive course program is designed as 5-day sessions.
2-Day Theoretical Education in Hotels Meeting Hall
3-Day Practical Education in Bafa Lake Fish Farm
Please click below to download for more information about Heliciculture Entrepreneurship Training Program

Agribusiness Entrepreneurship: Have a deeper understanding of sustainable agriculture, a foundation of entrepreneurial skills, and practical knowledge to plan for and start your own agribusiness.
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Information Technology Governance: Enhance your IT skills and learn how to achieve better IT Governance by understanding of information tech, its characteristics, its future, as well as the basics of Online Business, Social Media Marketing, Network and Security, and Database Management.
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