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Aquacultural Entrepreneurship
Team Leader : Korkut Gökhan KURTAR (PHD)
Aquaculture Engineer
About Fisheries Faculty ( Cukurova University-Adana)
Our faculty was established under the name "School of Fisheries" with Decree Law No. 41 published in the Official Gazette dated July 20, 1982. After the establishment of the Aquaculture and Fisheries program, aquaculture production in Turkey has also been started and increased accordingly with the education.
The main establishment aim of the Aquaculture and Fisheries program is to evaluate the potential of marine and freshwater aquaculture and raise undergraduate and graduate participants to activate it. Also targeted are scientific research on fish nutrition, fish diseases, genetics and breeding, fisheries, processed seafood technology, fish biology, fish anatomy, water quality, plankton, and aquatic plants.
Summary of Program Outcomes
Program participants will acquire theoretical and practical skills in aquaculture, aquaculture health, feed technology and nutrition, fisheries, fisheries management. Program participants can understand water quality management, environment, health, and fish breeding. Participants are capable of utilizing theoretical knowledge of breeding and management. Participants evaluate the reliability of results gathered from field studies.
Aquaculture Entrepreneurship Training Program
Fish has always been a primary source of food for coastal populations and remains so today despite the difficulties the sector is facing. The transport of fresh fish over increasing distances, together with more sophisticated processing techniques such as freezing, has led to increasing demand and allowed consumption to spread ever further from the coast.
Aquaculture has been practised for centuries, if not millennia, especially in Asia. Most aquaculture activities continue to be based on traditional, small- to medium-scale operations employing mainly extensive and semi-intensive production methods. In some countries, some types of aquaculture are increasingly being transformed into semi-industrial occupations. Aquaculture is contributing to a growing share of global fish supply of both marine (primarily molluscs and seaweeds) and freshwater (primarily carps) species.
Training Contents
1. Site Selection and Aquafarm Establishment
•Pond Construction
2. Fish Seed Production and Genetic Engineering
•Fish Firgerling Production and Hatchery Management
•Introduction to Fish Genetics and Biotechnology
•Practical Genetic Application for Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
3. Fish Farm Management and Culture Systems
•Fish Farm Management
•Oyster Farming
•Cage and Pen Culture
•Fish Health Management and Disease Control
•Economics of Fish Production and Marketing
4. Fish Feed Production
•Fish Feed Formulation and Production
•Fish Feed Production and Technology
5. Fish Post Harvest
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Agribusiness Entrepreneurship: Have a deeper understanding of sustainable agriculture, a foundation of entrepreneurial skills, and practical knowledge to plan for and start your own agribusiness.
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Information Technology Governance: Enhance your IT skills and learn how to achieve better IT Governance by understanding of information tech, its characteristics, its future, as well as the basics of Online Business, Social Media Marketing, Network and Security, and Database Management.
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Entry-Level Tourism: Represent the perfect starting points for exploring a new career path. Course content provides candidates with an extensive overview of the travel and tourism industry, along with an introduction to professional tour operations management.
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